23 June – Saturday
Left Stratford-on-Avon bound for Oxford, with a search for accommodation on the way (Oxford was very heavily booked for the weekend). Found a place at Woodstock, just around the corner from Blenheim Palace – a visit here is planned for Monday morning. Continued into Oxford and
met Justin and Simon. Spent the remainder of the day on a personal walking tour of Oxford, courtesy of Justin. Unfortunately we were not able to actually enter any of the college buildings due to Commemoration Week activities, however Simon did get us entry into the quadrangle of Christ College and its cathedral. We were able to view the dining hall (aka Hogwarts dining hall) from the outside only. Then the rain came!!! We ended our tour at the Ashmolean Museum. What a surprise for me, as this museum contains the collection of John Tradescent, who I have recently read about. It was just wonderful to actually see some of his items, especially the cloak from America.
Woodstock is a lovely village, very old, lots of people obviously come here to stay and our B & B is in an 18th century townhouse – just right for Les to rest his weary legs!
Left Stratford-on-Avon bound for Oxford, with a search for accommodation on the way (Oxford was very heavily booked for the weekend). Found a place at Woodstock, just around the corner from Blenheim Palace – a visit here is planned for Monday morning. Continued into Oxford and
Woodstock is a lovely village, very old, lots of people obviously come here to stay and our B & B is in an 18th century townhouse – just right for Les to rest his weary legs!
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