10th August – Monday
A very quiet day, today, as the dreaded migraine struck again. Consequently, the man of the caravan has spent the day in bed – a complete waste of beautiful weather!
I received a gift voucher from Myer for my birthday, and as it would expire this week, decided this morning would be a good time to check out suitable purchase options. Of course, with all these “gifts,” one usually ends up having to spend money to save money. Cairns Central Shopping Centre has also had free parking, but as the local workers have been making use of it and not leaving any room for shoppers to park, the decision has been made to commence charging for the privilege of parking. At this stage, the book gates are being installed and most of the entrances and exits are currently blocked off. This made both getting into and out of the car park quite an adventure! Unfortunately, the Tomtom wasn’t much use.
We only have three weeks remaining of our stay in Cairns, so will need to start undertaking some of the activities on our “to do” list.
Great result in the cricket – let’s hope the next Test has the same result.
A New Zealand lady staying in one of the units near our caravan (only ever said "Hello" to her) wandered over late yesterday afternoon and asked if I would like some groceries she had bought and not used - she couldn't take them back on the plane. I ended up with rice, pasta sauce, noodles, coffee - and a bottle of nail polish remover!
Today’s photo is of the Kuranda Train.
Obvioulsy too much excitement with Sydney winning - knowing it will be the last win for the year! Enjoy ballooning tomorrow:)
Yoga or Pilates, I'll get Les there one day. It's so good for headaches. Shan
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