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Tuesday 6 May 2014


Tuesday, 6th May

With a cold and early start to the day (the dusting of snow on the mountain gave promise of another chilly day), we were quite glad to arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare - Diane very kindly dropped us off on her way to work.  It was very enjoyable sitting in the lounge having a second breakfast of fresh fruit and freshly made pancakes!  We gave the boring food, such as cereal and yoghurt, a miss.  It was very pleasant sitting in the sun beside the window and we were surprised to see two corporate jets land in quick succession.  The lounge quickly filled with passengers waiting for the flight to Melbourne, only to be told that all flights were delayed due to a plane being disabled on the runway.  Glad we were going to Sydney.

Our flight was half an hour late leaving and following a hot lunch of that good Aussie staple, a pie, we flew over Canberra and were treated to a snow-capped Mt Kosciusko in the distance before heading to New Zealand and then to Brisbane before the captain finally realised he was supposed to be landing at Sydney!  By the time we collected our luggage and waited for the free shuttle bus to Rydges Airport Hotel, it was getting a little late for our planned excursion into the Opera House area.  The hotel is very convenient to the international terminal (literally across the road), very new and contemporary, the king size bed feels very luxurious, we look out over the runway – and despite our misgivings, discovered that the toilet actually does have a door.  Phew!!!

Cat managed to purloin the iPad for a short time to undertake some research of cats’ homes in China.


Anonymous said...

Thought he might be checking the Chinese menu - No 34 please.

Anonymous said...

So China doesn't allow blogs. Hmmm. Looks like we will all have to wait for a postcard now. No doubt it will arrive after 'they' are back!