Saturday, 30 August
Butcher bird |
Juvenile butcher bird |
Cairns birdwing butterfly |
Aptly named: backscratcher ginger |
A definite mozzie magnet! |
Jade vine |
There has been no change in the weather now for a couple of
weeks – very pleasant!
Friday morning we decided to have another walk through the
Botanic Garden, as the flowers seem to change every few weeks. This time we also were lucky enough to see a
couple of female Cairns birdwing butterflies and an adult butcher bird keeping
close watch on a juvenile – all were very close to the path. Lots of photos today and less dialogue. On the way home, we stopped at the Whitfield
Butchery to cash in His $30 meat voucher won at bowls a few weeks ago. We ended up with enough meat for six meals;
our small freezer is rather full now.
The day concluded with a sausage sizzle in the camp kitchen, which was a
good opportunity to say farewell to the park owners – Russell and Jenine also
leave on Monday for an American holiday.
This morning the frig restocking continued, with a visit to
Rusty’s for our final purchases of fruit and vegetables – we hopefully have
enough Sebago potatoes to last until we reach Melbourne.
Following lunch, we partook of a spot of fish feeding and watched the many Ulysses butterflies which have reappeared, before proceeding
along the new bike track for a short walk.
On the way back, after leaving all the nasties hiding in the cane
fields, we were only a short distance from the end of the track when Himself
grabs me (for my protection, of course) and strongly suggests we stand
still. An enormous (at least four feet
long) black snake was in the middle of the path, but fortunately he decided the
rain forest offered superior camouflage!
Cat has been enjoying the play facilities of the caravan
park – the new playground and the swimming pool, but could not be enticed near
the water.
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