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Friday 31 July 2009

31st July – Friday

It has been a very busy day, although we haven’t really done much, if that makes sense!

After talking to Michael and Emma last night, I decided it was time to actually complete my movie of Cat and send them a copy. That was this morning’s first task, and it took 45 minutes to save (a BIG file!). Then I had to cut a couple of CDs, another 10 minutes each.

As I couldn’t really just send the grandchildren a CD and nothing else, it was into Cairns to find a few souvenir odds and ends that were small enough, light enough and age suitable – not always an easy task. Called into the weekend fruit and vegetable market as well to stock up with things like avocadoes for 50 cents each and another red pawpaw. In this climate, they ripen very quickly.

Back to the caravan to pack the parcels for the children. Fortunately, I decided to watch the movie while eating lunch – only 75% of it had saved! So, another 45 minutes to save the file again, another 20 minutes to cut the CDs again. A double check that all was well before returning to the Post Office. Unbelievably, it was cheaper to send the parcel by Express Post than normal mail.

The weather has changed this afternoon (about time!), the skies are blue and the wind is now coming from the north. Hopefully the heaviness of the last few days has gone and I can now start thinking about balloons again.

Cat is becoming very well known and a man even stopped this morning and asked where he was. When I pointed upwards to the edge of the awning (favourite spot to watch the world go by), he smiled and continued walking.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened to the ballooning! What do I have to do to get a DVD of the Cat?

Anonymous said...

Jack is looking forward to the parcel!!