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Wednesday 26 August 2009

Bowling Dangers

26th August – Wednesday

Our hottest night yet – we even turned the air conditioner on for half an hour after we went to bed in the hope it would cool the caravan enough to sleep, even with all the windows open and only a sheet! Today was very hot as well, no breeze. It is hard to imagine that Queensland is having a heat wave and the southern states are being battered.

Today was our final game of bowls in Cairns and we decided to let the jackpot increase until we return some time in the future. Fortunately, the club decided to deploy the shade cloth cover, which made playing a little more bearable. It would have been very uncomfortable without the shade. There was a little bit of excitement during the second game when a snake decided to come and watch the game from the edge of the green. He was obviously enjoying the match because he became rather agro when it was suggested he leave. We certainly don’t have these sorts of hazards on the bowling greens in Tasmania!

Showers were definitely at the top of the list when we returned home.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Got plenty of showers here for you - just stand outside! Course the showers might come in the form of snow...