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Monday 4 June 2012

Broken Hill

Monday, 4 June 2012

It’s back!!! The rain, that is. The temperature has improved any, either.

We left Peterborough this morning, along with everyone else, and we headed for Broken Hill. Heavy rain early this morning and eased but the skies looked very threatening. At one stage we could see a massive rain storm approaching and heard rumblings. Although we were fairly sure it was thunder, we did pull up to check the tyres and caravan. It seemed as though the five minutes on the side of the road saved us from most of the rain, which had moved just to the north or us.

The drive was very flat, through open countryside most of the way, with the occasional small hill for some variety. There was very little stock to be seen among the saltbush – the few sheep were vastly outnumbered by feral goats! A couple of eagles, a few emus, lots of galahs and roadkill kangaroos completed the wildlife count. We could easily have been having kangaroo tail soup for tea tonight.

The Broken Hill Tourist Park was easy to find, being right on the main highway and next to the cemetery. I’m glad we booked, because it is very busy and there was a large queue waiting when we pulled in. The site is only just deep enough for our caravan and has a nice covering of woodchips, which make a nice change from red gravel mud. The afternoon was spent catching up with some much needed housework, a visit to the information centre and finding a hairdresser. Being a large town, Broken Hill not only has a MacDonalds and KFC, it also has a BigW, where we bought a new heater. The little fan heater we have used for the last four years has really been struggling – and making a lot of noise. It has now been replaced by a small ceramic fan heater which is much quieter and much hotter.

No photos taken today, so will include a couple from Peterborough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to make a comment about the '80s hair style a few posts back but thought you might have been trying to grow it long!