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Thursday 18 June 2015

Hervey Bay

Thursday, 18 June 2015

At last – clear, blue skies when the sun rose!!!  Everything was still very wet, though – the underside of the awning was even wetter than the top of the awning.  After his early morning yesterday, Himself decided to get out of bed early again today.  Consequently, we were packed up and on the road well before 8.45 am.  It was such a beautiful drive north through the forest, the cane and pineapple fields, until we neared Gympie and struck fog.  After a short stop at a rest area just north of Gympie (this town must hold the record for the number of traffic lights on a highway!), we joined an army convoy, along with a couple of very disgruntled truckies and many cars.  We arrived at Hervey Bay just before noon.

We are staying at Fraser Lodge Caravan Park and were informed on our arrival that they are no longer a member of Big4, but did honour my discount because we had booked prior to them pulling out.  We weren’t all that impressed with the site we were allocated for the four nights, considering the place is half empty.  It was right beside the dump point and the area where the rubbish bins are washed daily, received no sunshine (must needed after the last ten days) and was midgie heaven!  After three hours, Himself decided that he couldn’t stand the midgies any more and would be happy to move to another site, even though we were already set up.  The receptionist was quite happy to move us but said there weren’t any sites available for our size of caravan – hello!  Asked if a particular site was available and could we have that one please?  Of course!  So it was through chairs in the caravan and carry the table and hoses to the new site, hitch up and move.  We are all much happier, especially as we left the Collingwood supporters behind!

The weather has been glorious all day, about 26 degrees and cloudless skies.

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