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Tuesday 4 June 2019


Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Lovely old hotel at Glen Innes, with modern roundabout sculpture

Even the Glen Innes rubbish bins have a Scottish flavour

Grand Town Hall

A snowy start to the day

War Memorial at Warwick, including new memorial to the Dungaree March

By Monday morning, the thunder had disappeared but the rain persisted as we hitched up for the next stage of our trip north.  The trucks were out in force as we started the long climb up the first hill, only to discover another hill, then another!  The fuel companies must love this stretch of road, as we continued to climb to 1,500 metres and travelled along the New England Ranges.  We had planned on overnighting at Armidale (1,100+ metres) but when we arrived on the outskirts, we decided to continue to Glen Innes (1,100+ metres also).  However, the road in between was between 1,400 and 1,500 metres elevation and snow was forecast for tonight and tomorrow – down to 1,000 metres!  At least the elevation would drop quickly north of Glen Innes and we thought it better not to tow the caravan through snow (although someone rather liked the idea!).

It wasn’t long before we realised we were in a Scottish/Celtic region, passing Ben Lomond and Glencoe, before arriving at the Celtic centre of Australia and its famous Standing Stones.  We are staying at Fossickers’ Caravan Park at Glen Innes – not our first visit – and the very friendly manager allocated us a drive through site and assured us that snow was on the way.  As we entered the caravan park, the rain fell down and it was a quick dash for the umbrella before directing Himself onto the site.  Luckily, we could stay hitched up, so it wasn’t long before we were enjoying the comforts of our poor, overworked heater.  This afternoon, we rugged up with scarves, hats, gloves and down jackets – not to mention umbrellas! – and enjoyed a brisk and chilly walk up and down the main shopping centre, with a few browses in heated shops to warm up!

The locals certainly know their weather!  It was still snowing in the early morning and still snowing when we left.  Very, very, cold – extremely cold, in fact! – and felt like -8 degrees when we departed, heading north for Queensland.  After all, Queensland is supposedly warmer!!!  Don’t believe it!!!!!

The snow turned to rain for most of the journey; the road conditions were good, not a lot of traffic and no ice.  We drove down the main street of Tenterfield, because that’s where the highway went, but decided to continue to Warwick for the night.  The temperature had reached a warm 5 degrees when we crossed the state border but the wind chill factor had certainly set in by then.

We are staying at the Freedom Leisure Park, which used to be Big4 Kahlers and was taken over about two years ago.  The grounds are looking very tired, although severe drought conditions don’t help.  We had a quick trip to the shopping centre for a few provisions and treated ourselves to some comfort food for lunch.

Toowoomba tomorrow for three nights, and hopefully some warmer temperatures.

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