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Monday 23 July 2007


Saturday Continued

The evening was spent back at California Adventure to watch the after dark Electric Light Parade. The was absolutely fantastic – such a large number of floats completely covered in small lights. All the old favourites were there – Mickey and Minnie, Goofy, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Peter Pan and Captain Hook, Alice in Wonderland, lots of bugs, a dragon, circus train with Dumbo and, of course, the American Eagle. Following the parade, we just had to stay and watch the fireworks again!


Dave said...

Wow, you're certainly packing a lot in during your tiem in LA!

You'll be glad to know that I've already finished the book, and Shan is halfway through (not bad seeing as we only got it on Saturday). I'd say that Diane will have it finished about a week before you get home!

Anonymous said...

sounds like lots of Fun, Fun, Fun! While we are slaving away at work back home. Very jealous.