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Friday 5 September 2008

It's Raining

5 September – Friday

Last night it really rained and then it rained some more today, which really increased the humidity. Although the rain has been very heavy, we did seem to escape the severe weather that the Sunshine Coast received. The muddy creek has been flowing well during downpours, with lots of garbage. Not a nice sight out the window! Early this morning there was an accident on the exit from the motorway, about 200 metres from the caravan park. There was lots of noise for a while, with sirens from emergency vehicles and a helicopter circling overhead (television news).

We just had a quiet day at home today, catching up on some cooking and housework. A bright spot at lunchtime was a large lizard (about 75cm long), possibly a bearded dragon, sitting on the bank a short distance from our caravan. The rain didn’t seem to bother him at all.


Anonymous said...

For all those who don't know - anonympous is now on HOLIDAYS!!!

Anonymous said...

OOps - menat to speel it anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Mus t hav ben all the wine I've had to sellibrate