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Monday 27 September 2010

Monday at Portarlington

Monday, 27 September

Really, a nothing day today. The sun has disappeared again and the wind, cloud and rain returned. We were lucky enough to get in a quick walk to the shops for some bread and milk before the rain set in. The remainder of the morning was spent chasing washing from the clothes line to the dryer. We have been really fortunate in that today was been the only time we have needed to use a dryer.

This afternoon we had a visit from cousin Norm and we spent a very pleasant afternoon over a cup of coffee and some fruit cake.

We also had time today to sort out all the purchases that have simply been placed under the bed and now have goody bags ready for the children (big and small???).
You haven't had a flower for a while, either!


Di's Blog! said...

why are there question marks??????

Anonymous said...

I agree! Never heard of "small" presents!