Monday, 5th July
All you people in the south of the country who are complaining of the cold – get over it! Darwin is absolutely unbearable today, the humidity has been horrendous! Apart from a short time this morning, we have only left the air conditioned caravan when necessary.
This morning we went looking for a shop to replace the broken chair. The local camping shop were asking $139 for the same Coleman chair, so we decided to revisit the shop Les had discovered during his walkabout while waiting for the car to be serviced last week. Bit of a problem as he couldn’t really remember the exact location, but thought he knew which street it was in. No luck, looked in the next street, no luck, returned to the first street and spotted a camping store but he said that wasn’t it! Continued down the street, he had a little think and thought perhaps it was it (follow so far?) Did a u-turn, back to the shop and guess what? It was the right one. The exceptionally nice man immediately rang Coleman in Sydney, explained that our 2 year old chair had broken and Coleman instructed him to give us a replacement, free of charge! So, if the arm on the other one breaks, we will make sure that Coleman are contacted immediately.
This afternoon was spent breaking into a sweat every time we moved! Cat isn’t enjoying the humidity, one little bit.
All you people in the south of the country who are complaining of the cold – get over it! Darwin is absolutely unbearable today, the humidity has been horrendous! Apart from a short time this morning, we have only left the air conditioned caravan when necessary.
This morning we went looking for a shop to replace the broken chair. The local camping shop were asking $139 for the same Coleman chair, so we decided to revisit the shop Les had discovered during his walkabout while waiting for the car to be serviced last week. Bit of a problem as he couldn’t really remember the exact location, but thought he knew which street it was in. No luck, looked in the next street, no luck, returned to the first street and spotted a camping store but he said that wasn’t it! Continued down the street, he had a little think and thought perhaps it was it (follow so far?) Did a u-turn, back to the shop and guess what? It was the right one. The exceptionally nice man immediately rang Coleman in Sydney, explained that our 2 year old chair had broken and Coleman instructed him to give us a replacement, free of charge! So, if the arm on the other one breaks, we will make sure that Coleman are contacted immediately.
This afternoon was spent breaking into a sweat every time we moved! Cat isn’t enjoying the humidity, one little bit.
Oh, poor poor you.
Well, to be honest I'm not too jealous! Give me cold weather over stinking humidity any day...
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